How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:103)

As a lover of music, when hearing a song, I enjoy listening to every layer and instrument: the guitar solos, the bass riffs, the drum fills, the melody and the harmony. This is the beauty of music.

Most of the time though, I find that I listen to music whilst I am doing other things, and in the end, it just becomes ‘noise’ in the background.

This can be the same in our daily lives too. We can go along in our daily routines and rhythms, hearing the business of our lives and everything becomes background noise.

But this not how it is meant to be. When I really listen to a song, I am able to enjoy it in its fullness in the way it was meant to be – this is what God wants us to do too!

There is no sweeter sound than hearing God’s voice. But often, it involves being quiet, putting everything aside and listening closely. Not just hearing the background noise but picking out His still small voice. I find that I pick up on different elements of a song the more I listen to it as it becomes more familiar. The more we listen to Him, the more we will recognise His voice and learn to pick it out as He speaks to us in different ways: in sounds, signs and the beauty of His creation.

When we are rushing around just listening to the ‘noise’ of life, we are missing out on so much – it is His voice that gives our life meaning and we can enjoy it in the way we are designed. I encourage you in the business of life, however you are feeling and whatever is going on around you, to take time to listen to the words and voice of God, which is sweeter than honey. It’s in His sweet voice that we find a Friend, a Comforter, a Father and a Saviour.