Making Room For You in the life of ACV
Coast Groups are our discipleship hubs at ACV. They bring together small groups of between 6-8 people, who meet regularly to share community around God’s word.
Coast Groups aim to encourage the forming of rhythms to help us to become more like Jesus and share Him in our everyday ordinary lives. They are a relational opportunity to grow in relationship with Him and each other – discipleship in small groups is key to growth in our Church community. Our groups follow on from our teaching on Sundays so we get to go a bit deeper together.
If Antrim Coast Vineyard is your Church home, we encourage you to be part of growing together as the family of God. Have a chat with Andrea to join a group or email her:
Coast Teams are how we serve one another on Sundays. It is our desire that everyone who calls Antrim Coast Vineyard their Church home, experiences the joy of giving by serving on one of our teams. We think of it as ‘serving the family‘ and it helps keep Antrim Coast Vineyard an accessible, welcoming and safe space for people to encounter Jesus in community.
Sundays simply cannot happen without our teams, so there’s always a place for every person to get involved. We have room for you to serve on:
Light Kids (Kid’s Ministry)
Chat to or email Ruth:
Host Team (Preparing to welcome You)
Chat to or email Carol:
Worship (Sound & Visuals)
Chat to or email Rik:
Coast Women is our ministry for all women to experience a safe place to grow and flourish as we journey life’s many ups and downs. We gather at regular intervals during each term, to have fun, to learn and grow as a community of women together. We have seasonal events such as wreath making, afternoon teas & much more.
Gather and Graze is one of our regular Coast women evenings. A special time when we gather together, share food and tell the stories where we have experienced God’s hand on our everyday lives. A space where we have honest conversations, where we grow together and experience hope, healing and blessing.
We love that we get to journey alongside women in every season of life and get to discover Gods unique gifts and purpose for each of us. We would love to get to know you; there is always room at the table. Why not get in touch with Carol to find out more:
In our Coast Men ministry, we make different spaces for men to just gather. There is no ‘one size fits all’ – we are all different and enjoy being in each other’s company to journey life.
We get together at least once per term for social outings, prayer walks and discipleship. All are welcome, contact Andy: for further details
Antrim Coast Vineyard Church is a company limited by guarantee (No. NI654056) and a registered charity in Northern Ireland (No. NIC107849).
‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.
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